
It’s just a tree

Throughout my professional career I have heard this said so many times, all over the world and I never cease to find it upsetting. Trees are present, in one form or another, almost everywhere in the world including hot deserts where these small...

Of Traffic Jams and Pollution

The latest controversy to hit this rock is the gridlock we are all experiencing daily.  A drop of rain and nothing moves.  Once school starts, so many parents drive their children to school that our roads cannot cope. The situation is untenable...

Europe’s trees have been warming the planet

Trees do wonders when it comes to cooling Earth. They suck planet-warming carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, locking it into their trunks, leaves, and roots to the tune of about 2.4 billion metric tons of carbon each year. But a new study has...

Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar submissions re MEPA’s Height Limitation Adjustment Policy for Retirement Homes

PDF Attached: FAA submissions re Retirement Homes Height Limitation...

London iTree Results Highlight Value of Urban Trees

The results of the London iTree urban forest survey were published on the 2nd December 2015 in the House of Lords, offering a definitive monetary value for the city’s urban trees. Flood and air pollution reduction were some of the key...

Classroom with Green view can improve students’ performance

High school students perform better on tests if they are in a classroom with a view of a green landscape, rather than a windowless room or a room with a view of built space, according to research from the University of Illinois Department of...


THE BUTCHERY CONTINUES – The latest attack on trees yesterday at Saqqajja, Rabat, reduced a former row of majestic trees to ugly, bare and leggy branches topped by a few leaves! Now MEPA is defending this Rabat Local Council action, saying that...

Trees: Helping Cities Solve Climate Change

Quick, name a climate solution for cities which helps lower carbon emissions, protects vulnerable people who live there, and even helps students get better grades. Give up? The answer is urban forests and you’re not alone if you didn’t...

Trees improve our air quality

Urban forests help to improve our air quality. Heat from the earth is trapped in the atmosphere due to high levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other heat-trapping gases that prohibit it from releasing the heat into space. This creates a phenomenon...

5 reasons not to underestimate the power of plants and trees

© rangizzz These scientists say that respecting and understanding plants and trees is essential for our future. We humans have a wide range of feelings about members of the kingdom Plantae, from total disregard to thinking they are clever friends....

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