30 April 2021 In spite of being modified, the massing and increased heights of this building within the Area of High Landscape Value of Mdina, will still have a massive visual impact on the entrance to Rabat and Mdina, obliterating Mdina’s...
Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar calls on the authorities to use this time to plan for a better, healthier, post-COVID Malta. The Malta Developers Association’s demands for less bureaucracy to increase investment in development and Minister Ian...
A public consultation to reform the Constitution of Malta has been launched, inviting NGOs and members of the public to make their recommendations for changes to the supreme law of the land. The FAA committee sees this as an unmissable opportunity...
proposeAll can see and are experiencing the real costs to society of the government’s economic boom with the rise from 1500 to 15000 applications for building permits annually. The Planning Authority’s political masters have blocked any form of...
Send an objection to PA/07496/16 by copying the text below and sending by email to [email protected] DEADLINE – FRIDAY 29/03/2019 I object to PA/07496/16 which will lead to the loss of open space in the heart of the Three Cities, and...
objectFAA vehemently condemns the proposed AUM extension in the heart of Cottonera. The application proposes three new 5-storey blocks taking up the remaining open space in the Dock 1 area and extensive alterations to the Knights’...
FAA is appalled by the ongoing attempts to increase height and density of a hotel in Ghajnsielem through piecemeal applications and abusive practices. In 2016 the hoteliers applied for an extension to the hotel which was refused by the Planning...
[EN version below] Stqarrija Stampa Konġunta 16/03/2019: Komunitajiet u għaqdiet jiftħu aktar kawżi l-Qorti kontra l-proġett tad-db Group Residenti, numru ta’ għaqdiet u tliet Kunsilli Lokali fetħu żewġ kawżiet il-Qorti rigward...
[EN version below] Konferenza Stampa 09/03/2019: Għad trid issir diskussjoni infurmata dwar il-mina bejn Malta u Għawdex Filwaqt li nirrikonoxxu bis-sħiħ il-ħtieġa li jiġu indirizzati l-isfidi ta’ mobilità li qed jiffaċċjaw il-ħaddiema...
[EN version below] Stqarrija Stampa Konġunta 05/03/2019 Policy li tiprojbixxi pompi tal-petrol ODZ jeħtieġ li tiġi mplimentata minnufiħ Ħdax-il NGO huma rrabbjati għall-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar (PA) għax għadha ma rrevedietx il-policy...
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