French Embassy Garden Tours

Start Date & Time: 09/04/2016 - 3:00 pm

End Date & Time: 16/04/2016 - 3:00 pm

Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar (FAA) proudly presents the first of its 2016 Heritage Homes events when Her Excellency the French Ambassador  Béatrice le Fraper du Hellen has kindly agreed to host a garden party for FAA members in celebration of trees.

The garden of the French Ambassador’s residence in Zebbug is typical of the Maltese walled gardens which accompanied most fine old country houses.  Flagstone paths wind around the trees which flourish there, protected from prevailing winds by the garden’s high walls and fed by a carefully-maintained system of stone irrigation channels.  Olives and especially citrus trees flourished in the warm climate, with Malta’s oranges known for their fine quality far beyond our shores, being sent as presents to the courts of Europe. More recently other trees have been introduced to this garden which was enlarged with the addition of an adjoining old garden.  FAA’s tree experts will be giving guided tours of the beautiful gardens and their ancient trees, following which tea and refreshments will be offered.

The garden tours will be held over two consecutive weekends, the 9th and 16th April 2016.  Places are limited therefore guests are urged to book early.  Furthermore every booked guest will need to provide his/her printed ticket (booked via FAA’s Ticketengine) and ID card.  These documents MUST be presented at the door due to security considerations.

This event is limited to members of Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar. Should you wish to become a member you can do so at

Tickets may be booked by visiting:

Event Details:

Venue: (directly behind Zebbuġ Parish Church)

Dates:   Saturday 9th April; Saturday 16th April at 3pm.

A €15 donation towards FAA’s tree-planting initiative is solicited.

This event is being sponsored by:

Da Vinci Hospital:

Dhalia Ltd:

Mizzi Motors:

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