The synergy created by environment NGOs and residents’ groups in recent years has brought great benefits to our society; whereas previously citizens had no voice to express their concern about their deteriorating surroundings, they now know that they can influence events in a democratic way.
St. Paul’s Bay: The stretch of coastline that has been under attack since 1988 is an Out of Development Zone, an Area of Ecological Importance and Site of Scientific Importance and an Area of High Landscape Value due to the geological formations, habitats, flora and fauna of these coastal cliffs.
St. Paul’s Bay residents have good reason to be satisfied that their long years of campaigning have resulted in MEPA’s refusing the appeal on Triq it-Tonn, where developers have been applying to build on the foreshore. The site is an Out of Development Zone, an Area of Ecological Importance and Site of Scientific Importance very close to the ta’ Tabibu farmhouse. This dates back to the 14th-15th Century when it was a Dejma (militia) guard tower providing the only defence for the bay for some 200 years, before the Wignacourt Tower was built. As such it formed part of Malta’s early network of fortifications and is considered to be the oldest surviving building in St Paul’s Bay. Lovers of Maltese heritage will be delighted that this site, as well as the unique flora and fauna of the area, now no longer risk being engulfed by development.
St. Paul’s Bay: The photos is marked to indicate the approximate position and footprint of the proposed development (outlined in yellow) and the Dejma guard tower (encircled in green).
This same week conservation NGO Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar (FAA) welcomed MEPA’s refusal of a fifth application to build several villas with pools in the gardens of the Palazz ta’ Rohan in Triq il-Kbira, Balzan. This development would have impacted yet another of the beautiful gardens and green lungs for which this area is known. The granting of this permit would have also overthrown the principle of protected Green Enclaves, leading to the building up of other protected enclaves.
The house in Balzan that property developer Charles Polidano wanted to replace with terraced houses and pool, adjacent to a 300-year-old palazzin used by Grand Master De Rohan the developer wants to restore. Photo: – Darrin Zammit Lupi
The development of this garden would have aggravated the serious flooding problem in this area and violated Urban Conservation Area principles in generated more traffic, adding to the daily traffic jams caused by the neighbouring schools. The demolition of one of the three houses would have destroyed the presently intact streetscape of one of Malta’s most treasured old urban centres.
FAA now calls for the scheduling of these buildings due to their deteriorating condition. In buying such properties for the development opportunities of their large old gardens, developers are not being made aware of the preservation obligations they are entering into. It is rarely mentioned that MEPA has the legal power to order owners of scheduled properties to carry out basic maintenance where that is lacking. Failing this, MEPA can carry out those works and bill the owners, however this obviously involves an initial outlay and given MEPA’s present budgetary constraints, such an outlay has become almost impossible, encouraging the further neglect of scheduled properties such as Villa Guardamangia, Alhambra and Australia Hall in Pembroke.
It is also pertinent to note that de-scheduling orders have to be confirmed by the Minister in charge of MEPA. Until the law on political party financing is changed, politicians of this and future governments will remain open to pressure from developers.
Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar appreciates the announcement of financial grants to assist owners of scheduled properties in the last two budgets, however these never materialised. The conservation NGO calls for this assistance to be implemented, both for the protection of our heritage, and to encourage owners who understandably struggle under the weight of preserving scheduled properties.
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