New Rights for Neighbours of Building Sites

Flimkien ghal Ambjent Ahjar (FAA) is pleased to note that the new Environment Management Building Site Regulations will help to mitigate the effects of demolition and development works on neighbouring residents especially where noise, dust, waste and storage of building materials are concerned and that these regulations are to come in to force immediately for all building sites in areas where excessive development is currently taking place.

In the case of noise, the Legal Notice sets limits at those already laid out in current legislation, meaning that the occupational exposure limit is that of 87 decibels. This noise level is comparable to truck traffic whereas the noise caused by a chain saw or a pneumatic drill would be above the allowable limit.

However FAA is very disappointed to note that although excessive noise is one of the main problems for those living close to building sites, regulations constraining noise are initially exempted and will only be introduced at a later, unspecified date.

The regulations also stipulate a set “siesta” period of 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. during which work exceeding the acceptable parameters as per current legislation will have to cease. Although a far cry from assuring the least possible inconvenience to residents neighbouring development sites it will be a slight relief to know that they will have a two-hour respite between morning and afternoon works and FAA urges that these clauses be brought into effect as soon as possible.

A large notice is to be displayed on every building site on which contact details of the project manager responsible for the particular building site and other details will be given. Residents may contact the project manager at any time, day or night, to try to find a solution in cases of difficulty or infringements to the regulations. Failing this, people should then contact MEPA.

It was hoped that several other mitigating factors would have been included in this new Legal Notice to ultimately ensure the well-being of Maltese and Gozitan citizens. FAA still hopes that these regulations are only a beginning and they will be re-regulated and improved upon as soon as possible.

The general public may phone on 20699595 to report any infringements.

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