[EN version below] Stqarrija Stampa Konġunta 05/03/2019 Policy li tiprojbixxi pompi tal-petrol ODZ jeħtieġ li tiġi mplimentata minnufiħ Ħdax-il NGO huma rrabbjati għall-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar (PA) għax għadha ma rrevedietx il-policy...
ENGO Flimkien Ghal Ambjent Ahjar decried the vile attempt to designate pristine ODZ land in Xlendi and Ghasri as yet more built-up congested zones. FAA pointed out not one but two planning control applications covering land in each locality with a...
ENGO FAA categorically condemns the irresponsible decision of the Planning Authority to approve yet another fireworks factory in the locality of Gharb. Several fireworks factories are already located in the Gharb Valley, the site of two devastating...
The development craze that has gripped Malta has now spread to the hamlet of Bingemma, once believed to be untouchable. The proposed tourist accommodation on a pristine un-spoilt tract of land, has been described by the applicant as one for 7 rooms,...
ENGO FLIMKIEN GHAL AMBJENT AHJAR decried government footdragging and reluctance to award public domain status to the endangered valley of Wied Ghomor. A barrage of development applications in this ecologically sensitive area are being...
The Planning Authority (PA) will tomorrow be deciding the fate of a rural part of the southern tip of Malta in the area known as Ta’ Kalanka in Delimara where the redevelopment of an existing derelict hotel is being proposed in an ODZ...
Flimkien ghal Ambjent Ahjar welcomes the Wied Ghomor decision in favour of our natural heritage by the Environment and Planning Review Tribunal. Through this outcome the valley has been protected against irreversible harm for the foreseeable future....
The thirteenth day of the month may prove unlucky for the besieged Wied Ghomor. On the 13th February the last hearing of a refusal against development application will be heard by Environment and Planning Review Tribunal. After that the Tribunal...
The undersigned coalition of eNGOs notes the prudent statements made by the Prime Minister to the effect that the American University of Malta will not be building its Zonqor Campus until the Bormla Campus is operating at full capacity. The eNGOs...
FAA welcomes the news that the application for a large scale development on the Zebbug ridge in Gozo has been withdrawn by the applicant. The proposed development was highly objectionable and would have resulted in the obliteration of yet another...
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