Spring Gardening Course

Start Date & Time: 15/04/2018 - 10:00 am

End Date & Time: 03/06/2018 - 12:00 pm

Price: €90 regular / €70 FAA members

Inquire At: 79900093 or contact@faa.org.mt

Spring has come again. A time when life starts anew, when creatures stir and our countryside bursts into colour. It is also a time for reflection and celebration, while shedding that which holds us back. FAA would also like to take this opportunity to wish you and your families a most joyful Easter.

After the success of previous years, we are once again hosting a gardening course at Greenscapes for those of you with green fingers, or a desire to obtain some. Previous years have had many enthusiastic participants, and we hope the same for this year. Make sure your membership is up-to-date, as members get a significant discount!

Horticultural consultant Dione Caruana will be hosting eight sessions, starting April 15th, on various topics. Starting from water quality and plant growth, the course will go on to highlight the importance of the growing medium and how to best prepare it, the nuances of plant propagation and the nutrients required for healthy growth. The second half of the course will be a bit more advanced, tackling identification of problematic visual symptoms and controlling disease, respecting and changing environmental conditions, and management techniques. Mr Caruana boasts many years of experience in the field – experience he is more than eager to pass on to his students.

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